Vitex can be used to help return fertility due to a lack of menstruation and help to prevent miscarriage during the first trimester.
Vitex, also known as chaste tree berry, is an herb commonly used to treat Premenstrual Syndrome.
Vitex works by in the body increasing progesterone levels during the luteal phase of a woman’s monthly cycle.
Using Vitex to Return Menstruation
Vitex can also be used successfully to return menstruation while breastfeeding or due to amenorrhea.
Menstruation normally stops while breastfeeding due to high levels of prolactin, which keep ovulation from returning.
Every time a woman breastfeeds it raises her prolactin levels. This is why breastfeeding can serve as a form of birth control and can be quite effective when a woman breastfeeds full time.
Vitex works to help lower prolactin levels to the point of allowing ovulation to start occurring again. Many women, including myself have been able to get pregnant while breastfeeding due to vitex.
How Vitex Worked for Me
I had been breastfeeding my son for 18 months with no sign of menstruation in sight. I really wanted to try and conceive another child, but without ovulation or a monthly cycle I thought I would have to wean my son in order to get pregnant again.
I researched vitex and learned all about its role with prolactin and ovulation while breastfeeding. I thought I would give it a shot. I ordered vitex capsules and began taking 5 capsules every day.
I started using vitex along with maca root to give myself a nice customized fertility boost. Within 2 weeks I had my first period. Although I did not get pregnant with my first cycle, I did get pregnant with my second.
So 6 weeks after starting vitex I was pregnant and I was able to continue breastfeeding my son at the same time.
Using Vitex to Help Prevent Miscarriage
Due to the fact that vitex helps to keep progesterone levels high, it can work well for treating luteal phase defect and preventing miscarriage.
If you take vitex while trying to conceive and get pregnant, it is best to slowly wean off of it over the course of the first trimester rather than just stopping it suddenly.
After getting pregnant I took 4 vitex capsules every day up to 12 weeks, then weaned to 3 capsules by 14 weeks, 2 capsules by 16 weeks, 1 capsule by 18 weeks and was completely done with it by 20 weeks.
Although vitex worked quickly for me, it may take 8 to 12 weeks before you start to see some noticeable results.
To determine how much vitex is right for you, please consult a naturopathic physician. Do not take vitex if you are currently taking birth control pills, as they will interact.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Vitex to Prevent Miscarriage and Return Fertility
Posted by Amy Bass at 5/24/2007 10:02:00 PM
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